In this project, a programmable smartwatch is enhanced with a new function: WiFi network analysis. The smartwatch, built on the Indus board’s ESP32 WiFi chip, can now scan and analyze WiFi networks directly from the device. This feature is especially useful for engineers involved in WiFi router setup and users looking for the best WiFi connection based on signal strength. The project utilizes the previously designed smartwatch and introduces the WiFi network analysis functionality without requiring additional components.
Components Required
- GC90A Display
- Indusboard
- Arduino GFX Library
Hardware Setup
- Connect the VCC of the GC90A display to the 5V pin of the Indusboard.
- Configure the SPI pins of the GC90A display to the Indusboard. In this project, pins 21, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are used for MOSI, MISO, SCK, and CS.
- Connect other necessary pins of the GC90A display (MOSI, MISO, SCK, and CS) to the corresponding SPI pins on the Indusboard.